For foreigners
We invite all those interested in International Studies to the
XV Conference of Polish Geopoliticians
Date: Dec. 3rd, 2023
Place: KEN University
ul. Podchorążych 2
Kraków, POLAND
Organizers: Polish Geopolitical Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne, PTG)
1. Main Theme:
Geopolitical consequences of worldwide destabilization processes
The goal of the conference is to define the slogan with its most important components and discussion about the emerging problems. The most important topics presented during the meetin.
2. Official languages: Polish and English
3. Papers will be published in the quarterly „Przegląd Geopolityczny” (“Geopolitical Review“) and in “European Journal of Geopolitics”
4. Conference fee:
- For VIP Premium participants: 800 PLN (650 PLN with no paper).
The fee includes the publishing of the paper, VIP Premium conference materials, forehead possibility of participation in the discussions, catering (coffee and lunch break), certificate of participation in the scientific conference with paper, VIP badge.
- For participants with their own papers: 600 PLN (500 PLN for PTG members).
The fee includes the publishing of the paper, conference materials, possibility of participation in the discussions, catering (coffee and lunch break), certificate of participation in the scientific conference with paper.
- For Participants without papers to present: 450 PLN (350 PLN for PTG members.)
The price includes conference materials – the observer’s pack, catering (coffee and lunch break), possibility of participation in discussions, certificate of participation in the scientific conference.
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne before November 17th, 2023
with the adnotation: “offering to Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne XIV ZGP”
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Majora Lupaszki 7/26
30-198 Krakow
Bank PKO BP: 44 1020 2906 0000 1902 0540 9034
5. The form and deadline for registering
Please send a completed confirmation details (name and surname, title and abstract of presentation/article, personal titles, postal adress, afiliated institution, attached payment confirmation in pdf) to: before November 17th, 2023.
6. Articles for publicaton:
Articles in their final form will be accepted until January 1, 2024 (before midnight). We are expecting articles not surpassing 40,000 letters (including spacing) or 22 standard pages (12 letter font according to Times New Roman, interline – 1.5.)
Please send articles to: